foden dev

Add linux subystem to Windows

☕️ 1 min read
Running shell and CLI commands in PC terminal ?

    Had a project where our repo ran some shell commands as part of the start script. Works fine on my mac. Then starting on a pc I was at a loss to why these shell and other commands did nothing. Searched around for information as to why this wouldn't work on pc:

    "start": "sh -ac '. ./.env.${REACT_APP_ENV:-staging}; react-scripts start'",

and after finding many reputable AC contractors in the area…

Stumbled across the ability to turn on the linux subsystem in windows 10.

Go to Windows Features and scroll down and toggle linux for subsystem on

Windows Features toggle linux subsystem check box

If only I had been tipped off sooner, would have been saved from a frustrating goose chase neatly punctuated by slack pings for updates on the “fast” tweaks I had promised in standup.
